Free your mind and claim your power! Live present, sane and joyful – no mental health drugs necessary. YOU are the medicine and real healing is possible.


Free Together: Group Community Containers - Mental Health Rebels
Group Community Containers - Mental Health Rebels

Community Groups

Union, understanding and group strength for the mental health drug detox process.

Even if you have wonderful, involved humans in your life, mental health drug tapering or detox can be lonely.You might experience side effects and mind bends that other people just don’t get… unless they’ve travelled this journey too. 

Humans are social creatures, we NEED community! On a deep level, we all crave connection. We all want to be heard and seen and loved. We all desire to be understood! This is the place where your detox journey can be witnessed and understood by other people experiencing the same thing. 

How does it work?

Your commitment:

There are no “rules” about attendance – you’re able to miss a meeting if needed or leave whenever you decide it’s time. 

Hopefully, you will be part of this group until you are done with your detox and can “graduate” off to live mentally free! My vision is that someday we’ll have multiple groups in multiple time zones and they’ll be lead by alumni (maybe you!)


Recruiting for the FIRST community group now!

After a quick intake form you'll be added to the waitlist. As soon as I can coordinate 4 people we'll launch 🤩

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Recruiting NOW

for the first community group

Mental Health Rebels is a BRAND NEW company and so I’m still recruiting for the first group container. As soon as I can coordinate 4 people I’ll launch it and we’ll pick a call time that works for everyone.

Get on the waitlist! Maybe you're the #4 we need!!

Follow on social media for helpful new content every week!👇

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Mental Health Rebels is growing! Want to get notified when new content, classes and group programs are available? Join the email list to be in the know.

🔒 This is a secure form. We will never, ever sell your email. Spam is low vibe.

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Once you’ve paid, I’ll reach out to get your session booked and on the calendar ASAP! 🙌 

Single Sessions with Discount Code
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Once you’ve paid, I’ll reach out to get your session booked and on the calendar ASAP! 🙌 

Single Sessions