Free your mind and claim your power! Live present, sane and joyful – no mental health drugs necessary. YOU are the medicine and real healing is possible.


THIS is the vision:

What else would you add?

Feel this vision. See it in your soul. Know that you're ready. We’re going to chase + achieve it for you in coaching together! 💥

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You are here because you're ready.
Let's do this!

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This is how mental freedom feels: like owls and daisies, your shadow emerging as a dancing man, relaxing in the water etc!

It is absolutely spectacular the way your life can evolve and transform when you begin living with heart and soul. When your energy is flowing and glowing you’ll attract abundance in all it’s forms: health, wealth, fame, fortune, love, beauty, joy.

Transformation does require us to go on an adventure that at times can be confusing and difficult. That’s why it’s a hero’s journey, and that’s why having me as your coach can really help. I’m here to help you navigate the internal shadowlands you must cross in order to achieve mental freedom and realize your own utopian life vision. I am not promising this will be easy, but I can promise it will be rewarding and WORTH IT.

Expect surprising synchronicities and lots of AH HA! moments. Expect tears and expect laughter. Expect that your heart will get cracked open and your perspective will change. Both pain and pleasure will be more poignant because you’ll be living life deeply with real presence. You’re about to claim your own brave rebel hero who is ALL IN on this life project.

Fill out the questionnaire and then you’ll get a link to book your FREE consultation. I can’t wait to meet you soon!

*One free consult per human in this lifetime!



BEFORE the call:

DURING the call:

AFTER the call:

*One free consult per human in this lifetime!

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Once you’ve paid, I’ll reach out to get your session booked and on the calendar ASAP! 🙌 

Single Sessions with Discount Code
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Once you’ve paid, I’ll reach out to get your session booked and on the calendar ASAP! 🙌 

Single Sessions